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A Healthier Tomorrow Starts Today with Your Metabolic Risk Assessment

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As a globally recognized authority on metabolic health, Dr. Ford Brewer, MD has revolutionized diagnostic and treatment approaches, tailored to your specific needs, to pinpoint the underlying causes of your health concerns.

Teaming up with leading research experts, Dr. Brewer has engineered one of the pioneering Metabolic Health Testing systems, now accessible for in-home use. These tests offer crucial insights into the fundamental triggers of heart disease, pre-diabetes, and various chronic conditions. For individuals focused on preventing such ailments, this solution is indispensable!

This comprehensive approach goes beyond the standard cholesterol, A1c, and Glucose tests typically performed by traditional medical practitioners.


Grip Strength Assessment Tool
As an indicator of overall health and functional ability, the Metabolic Risk Assessment includes a dynamometer. The dynamometer measures grip and muscle strength.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
A 75 gram glucose powder packet is included to measure your body’s response to high glucose levels. A True Metrix glucometer, 50 test strips, lancet device, and 100 lancets will then allow you to measure your glucose levels for this test. Afterward, you can use the remaining items to continue to see how your body responds to other foods and drinks you consume every day.

Body Fat Analysis
The skin fold caliper in the kit is the most convenient method to assess your body fat percentage. This allows you to measure excess for your assessment and in the future to monitor any changes.

Body Fat Measurements
A tape measure is also included in the kit for you to measure and identity areas on your body in which resistant fat is located.

Instructions and Online Portal Access
You will be given instructions for each step as well as a customer support line to assist you in performing each test properly if needed. Access to an online portal will allow you to input relevant health and family history data to ensure an accurate risk assessment.


After Your Assessment
You will receive a test result review with a Certified Risk Assessment Advisor and four page report detailing your risk factors, your level of risk and recommendations from Dr. Ford Brewer, MD.

Chronic Conditions
Heart Disease
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